Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Observing Domestic Month: Virginia’s Resources for Help and Healing From Abuse -- Domestic Violence Month

Please note that I deactivated links for organizations that I do not have specific permission for links, but you can still cut and paste addresses.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Email: Hotlines:1.800.799.SAFE (7233) and 1.800.787.3224 (TTY) Website:  Find  a shelter anywhere in the country and access dozens, hundreds of articles on survivors stories and all aspects of coping with domestic violence.

Some local Portland area resources for help for coping with domestic violence (all found on

The Gateway Center for Domestic Violence Services -- business phone: 503-988-6400 website:
Portland Women's Crisis Line -- hotline: 503-235-5333 website:
VOA Home Free -- hotline: 503-771-5503 website:
Bradley Angle House  -- hotline: 503-281-2442 website:
Raphael House of Portland -- hotline: 503-222-6222 website:
Russian Oregon Social Services --hotline: 503-777-3437 website:
Native American Youth and Family Center Healing Circle -- business phone: 503-288-8177 
Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center  -- hotline: 866-879-6636 website:
Immigrant & Refugee Community -- business phone: 503-234-1541 website:
Sexual Assault Resource Center -- hotline: 503-640-5311 website:
Los Ninos Cuentan -- hotline: 503-933-7840 website:
South Asian Women's Empowerment & Resource Alliance -- hotline: 503-778-7386 

Stories about survivors of abuse and their supporters:

The Story of a Supporter of a Survivor:  Preston McMurry met and married, Donna Theresa, the love of his life and then puzzled over her struggles with intimacy and her tendency to leave him without explanation  The their marriage counselor said only one thing could cause such issues -- severe child physical, emotional and sexual abuse.  The problem was that Donna Theresa did not remember being abused.  Donna and Pres made a trip to her home town in Italy to find the truth.  They found it, but when they returned to the United States Donna was so profoundly disturbed by her past that she left Pres for a final time.  Pres struggled with deep grief and founded Theresa’s Fund to provide financial support and fund raising advice to non-profits combatting family violence.  Then, one day after a seven year silence from Donna Theresa, Pres received the phone call of his life....

Here is Pres’s story in his own words:

The rest of these stories are from my blog, the Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing ( ) or my You Tube Channel -- Healing is a Sacred Journey ( ).  You can also check out my Facebook for stories on abuse and healing from a variety of sources -- Compassionate Gathering:

Preston McMurry also shared his story with me:

Part One: The Man Who Went to the Ends of the Earth To Help His Child Abuse Survivor Wife Heal

Part Two: Pres Works on Healing From the Loss of Donna Theresa

The Story of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Princess, the Domestic Violence Survivor Who Was Abused by Her Husband and then by Her Church

The Story of a Clergy Abuse Survivor Who Became Homeless

Please Help Me Find Gary, the Homeless Clergy Abuse Survivor Who Disappeared

Helping Danny or How to Heal the Wounds of Clergy Abuse (Danny and Gary are the same person but Helping Danny takes place in early 2008, and the story about finding Gary took place in early 2014.)

Child Sex Abuse:

The homeless, alcoholic gay man I met in downtown Portland turned out to be a former prostitute...and child sex abuse survivor -- My Spirt, My Call

Feet Running and Bare: How Lydia Survived Incest

Virginia’s Story of Surviving and Healing From Child Sex Abuse.  I was also raped on a date at age 22, but I am not able to share that story yet.   In addition, I am a survivor of severe, ongoing, emotional domestic violence.  I am not yet able to share more than bits and pieces of that story either.

Into the Abyss ( is my story of struggling with depression after the end of a relationship.  Many survivors of child sex abuse struggle with feeling abandoned and unwanted, feelings that are magnified when relationships end.  I wish I knew that 40 years ago.  I would have understood better the deep depressions I suffered after the end of every significant romantic relationship I experienced. 

Coming To Terms With Date Rape and Child Sex Abuse: I Was "The Sinful Woman"

My Fifth Memory (Was Being Sexually Abused at Age Four)

How I helped myself heal:

How I Harmed Myself With My Anger and 9 Ways Gardening Calms Anger:

How I Harmed Myself With My Anger and 8 Ways Housework Calms Anger:

As a child I had no support from my parents who were struggling with their own issues.  I am old enough that society was much less aware of the harmed caused by abuse when I was a child than it is today.  I struggled with depression and other issues.  I found a measure of healing walking in nature   Please note that to truly heal, I still needed insight and relationship and communication skills.  To learn these I needed individual therapy, books on the subject of abuse, and classes in Non-Violent Communication and Compassionate Listening.  However, walking in nature or in parks in the city both calmed my anxiety and anger and lifted me up when I was sad.  Sometimes nature also helped me have better insight about my life.

Larch Mountain Meditation Walk

Willamette Esplanade Evening Walk 2013

Healing the Wounds of Abuse Through Nature Meditations: A Walk By Smith and Bybee Lakes

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